Even when you take care of your teeth and gums, problems may still arise. Fractures, deep decay, and lost teeth can negatively affect your oral health and put a damper on your appearance.
Do you have damaged or missing teeth? Dental health impacts overall wellness, so it’s important to address any conditions and problems in the early stages, if possible. With restorative dentistry, Knoxville dentist, Dr. Erpenbach, can correct damage and revitalize your smile.
Restorative Dentistry Services We Provide in Knoxville
In our office, we care about restoring your dental health to peak condition. We provide the following restorative dentistry services to help your smile look and feel better than ever!
Dental Crowns: A dental crown is a durable solution for broken or worn down teeth. We design beautiful and realistic crowns that improve the look and function of damaged teeth. A dental crown can help you avoid the additional pain and expense of extraction and replacement down the line.
Dental Bridges: Dental bridges replace one or more missing teeth with a permanent restoration. This restorative dentistry appliance is supported by the neighboring teeth or dental implants. Our dental bridges provide an alternative to more extensive tooth replacement options, and they closely match the color of your existing teeth.
Dentures and Partials: Restorative dentistry aims to revitalize your smile and improve your confidence and health. Dr. Erpenbach carefully designs dentures and partials to fit comfortably and securely in your mouth. Your modern dentures will look and feel natural, and allow you to eat and speak with confidence.
Implant Restorations: If you restore missing teeth with reliable dental implants, we can restore them with beautiful tooth-colored restorations. You can restore one missing tooth with a dental crown, or several missing teeth with implant-supported dentures or bridges.
Taking a Conservative Approach
Dr. Erpenbach feels that conservative tooth restorations best serve our patients’ needs. Using biomimetic dentistry as his guide, Dr. Erpenbach selects biologically-based materials and removes as little original tooth structure as possible.
Because he places composite fillings, inlays, onlays, and ceramic crowns, patients don’t have to worry about detracting from their attractive smiles with necessary dental repairs.
Come See Our Knowledgeable Restorations Dentist in Knoxville Today
Dr. Erpenbach uses continuing education to give his patients the best solutions that the world of restorative dentistry has to offer. If you are interested in conservative restorative dentistry, contact our Knoxville office today.