The older you are, the more at risk you are of coming down with gum disease. But even among young and middle-age adults, gum disease is a primary cause of tooth loss. Jim Erpenbach DDS in Knoxville reminds you that an ounce of prevention of worth a pound of cure. Good oral hygiene and preventative dentistry…
Gum Disease
How Oral Inflammation Affects Your Health
Swollen and painful gums are symptoms of periodontal disease, an inflammatory gum disease. We provide gum disease treatment at Jim Erpenbach DDS in Knoxville. Swelling occurs from an auto-immune response of the body reacting to an infection. Infections are noticeable through pain, redness, and warmth. If the infection is left untreated, it can affect the…
Bleeding Gums After Your 6-Month Cleaning?
Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are critical for prime dental health. However, some dental patients worry because their gums tend to bleed after a thorough cleaning. Is this a problem? Well, it depends. If your gums bleed for a day or two, you don’t need to be concerned. But, if the bleeding and tenderness last longer,…
Gum Disease And Tooth Loss
Do you know that the most common cause of tooth loss among adults is gum disease? The good news from Jim Erpenbach DDS in Knoxville is that gum disease is easy to treat in its early stages. Regular check-ups are important, but there are warning signs for gum disease that everyone should be looking for. 1.…
Can Bad Dental Hygiene Cause Colorectal Cancer?
The oral-systemic link is a theory in dental and medical professions that bridges the health of the mouth with the total health of the body. For dentists and dental professionals that believe in the oral-systemic link, diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis can lead to not only to tooth and bone loss but also to major…
What you should know about bleeding gums.
When our gums bleed, the typical response is to do nothing and assume we just need to get in a better homecare routine. The problem with that mindset is that when the gums are bleeding it’s not just a warning sign. It means there’s already an infection. Infection in the gums can become a serious…
Knoxville Dentist Dispels Myths About Gum DIsease
Wouldn’t it be dreadful if you went to wash your hands at the sink, only to discover that your fingers were bleeding for no apparent reason? Naturally, you’d seek treatment as quickly as possible. When you think about it this way, it becomes even more baffling that people whose gums bleeds will often delay pursuing…
Gum Disease Prevention Quiz from Knoxville Dentist
Approximately 80% of Americans have some level of gum disease. Gum disease that is not treated can increase the risk for other overall health problems. Heart disease, stroke, diabetes, Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and pre-term labor are among the unpleasant possibilities. As a founding member of AAOSH, the American Academy… Approximately 80% of Americans have…