Dental Care for Teenagers

They say smiling is like free therapy for the soul. But sometimes, we feel insecure about our smiles because our teeth might look different from other kids’ teeth. Owning the ability to smile freely with confidence is critical, especially for teenagers.

At Jim Erpenbach DDS, we are dental veneers specialists in Knoxville, TN. We can provide teenagers with the ideal service for them to smile every time they feel like it.

By installing dental veneers, we can provide teenagers with the smile they’ve always wanted and deserved. Contact us for more information on dental veneers.


Why Dental Veneers
Cosmetic processes can help you get the look that you’ve always wanted. Most importantly, they can fulfill patients’ emotional needs for a perfect smile. But why are dental veneers the ideal option for this? And which type of veneer is the most convenient for me?

Cosmetic Purposes Only
Let’s start by explaining that dental veneers will not interfere in any form with the way your teeth bite. So you can rest assured knowing that they won’t get in the way of your diet. Dental veneers are thin shells that vary in their teeth color look and are installed on the teeth’ front surface area.

The purpose of dental veneers is to cover the areas that are visible on your teeth. Some of these areas can include spacing gaps, a broken tooth, or some stained and discolored teeth. That’s why they can drastically impact a change in the way your smile looks.

Porcelain Veneers vs. Prepless Veneers
Porcelain veneers last from 8 to 15 years if they receive proper care. Porcelain veneers are durable and stain-resistant, but also permanent. Plus, they blend perfectly with the natural color of your teeth to give that ideal natural effect.

Prepless Veneers offer the same benefits as porcelain veneers, except for being wholly reversible and natural color looking as porcelain veneers.

Don’t Be Afraid to Smile
At Jim Erpenbach DDS, we believe that everyone deserves to love their smile. So go ahead and make an appointment with us so we can make that happen.